Friday, October 4, 2013

The Dream Program: CFRCE Theoretical and Mathematical Minimum Program

This Dream Program liberates the doors of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics to all inquiring individuals, whether they have formal background beyond that of high school or not, whether they are so-called, "young or old", "good or bad", "brilliant or dull", "fast or slow," or indeed any of the immature classifications that arbitrarily limits human potential and relegates it to the mere passing of three-hour artificial, de-contextualized, examinations that have little to do with the future of the individual or of the actualization of one's deepest potential.

This program aims at empowering every individual to empower oneself and rekindle the dreams and aspirations that he or she has been forced to extinguish, perhaps during the earlier years or perhaps during the very present course of one's studies. The main theme of the program is that Theoretical Physics and Mathematics support a cultural domain that is immensely enriching and ennobling and that all one needs to absorb it is to simply aspire for it and work at it in the same manner as one works in acquiring any other culture like music, art, and poetry or programming and webdesign for that matter.

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