Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CFRCE Theoretical and Mathematical Minimum Forum

The march of human civilization streams forth as a holonomic ascent from complexity to complexity. At each rung of the ascent it consolidates the gains of its experience and becomes self-conscious. Points of progression and retrogression continue to accumulate towards an ideal dimly seen by the greatest minds of that era and yet that spur on the generality of humankind towards some grandiose endeavor. That which is of lasting value to the civilization begins to diffuse itself into the consciousness of humanity, at first as something inaccessibly mysterious, and then as something to be grasped technically, and penultimately as something to be applied and utilized, and through all these often conflicting and contradicting goals, eventually trickles down into the undercurrents of civilization as the distilled essence of the best and noblest of gains. This becomes the predominant tone of the culture of humanity.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, Science has unquestionably so seeped into the consciousness of the race. Yet, it's cultural ramifications are only dimly felt being now in the penultimate stage of its diffusion. As this begins to happen, the true meaning of scientific thinking that is often so obscured by unenlightened educational conditioning begins to reveal itself in all its glory. It is, therefore, of great significance to understand the minimal of Science that is the nucleus of scientific culture. Theoretical Physics and Mathematics offer a window of opportunity to the inquiring human being, because, as the great Theoretical Physicist Lev Landau, once jokingly said, all one needs to learn it is a pencil and paper. The CFRCE Theoretical and Mathematical Minimum Forum aims to espouse precisely the diffusion of this culture.

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